2025 Cabaret & PRIDE Season Vocal Placements -We invite anyone interested in singing with us to request a brief voice placement with our Artistic Director, Dr. Kym Scott. Placements will be on Saturday, January 11, 2025 (10A.M. – 12:00P.M.) Click Here to Schedule a Vocal Placement. We are located at East Liberty Presbyterian Church at 116 S. Highland Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 (map). If you need to make further arrangements or can’t make that day contact Kym at director@rccpittsburgh.com. Rehearsals will begin on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 6:45P.M.
First—don’t feel intimidated! We welcome singers of all experience levels, from novice to professional. During the audition, you will be asked to sing some short exercises to determine range and appropriate voice part, you will be asked to sing back some simple short melodies played on the piano, and you will also be asked to sing a short song, or a short section of a song of your choosing. If you do not have a song in mind, you can sing something as simple as Happy Birthday. Finally, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the choir, rehearsals, and performances.
Placements will be held at East Liberty Presbyterian Church; virtual appointments can also be arranged. If you need any accommodations to complete a voice placement or participate in the choir, please contact accessibility@rccpittsburgh.com.
Choir membership is open to singers ages 18 and up. Rehearsals for all voice parts take place Tuesdays from 6:45–8:45pm in the Social Hall at East Liberty Presbyterian Church (map).
The choir produces three major concerts per year—Holiday (December), Cabaret (April), and Pride (June). As performances approach, there may be additional rehearsals. You can expect to spend some extra time at home (and in the car, listening to recordings!) learning your music. Since we normally only rehearse once a week, extra time in between rehearsals is essential to learning the music and presenting a quality performance. Part recordings are provided to assist with learning outside of rehearsal.
Each potential member of the RCC has a 5–10-minute voice placement with the Artistic Director.
The placement consists of:
1. Vocal range assessment (vocal warm-up).
2. The potential member will be asked to sing back a short series of notes played on the piano.
3. The potential member will be asked to sing a short song, or a short section of a song. This can be a song of their choosing, or it can be something as simple as “Happy Birthday”.
4. Professional training/experience is not required.
We promise that this will not be as terrifying as it may sound!
Returning members of the choir are welcome to participate in this process at the beginning of any season if they have questions regarding their voice part.
There are also additional, optional performances that are scheduled each season within the community and at charity events. We encourage members to participate in as many of these as their schedules will allow. They are a very important part of our choir mission.
Dues are paid each season within the first few weeks of rehearsal: $150 for the year or $75 each semester (fall and spring). Members may apply for a payment plan, as well as partial or full scholarships. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.
Other costs: There may be other small costuming costs for each concert. The choir also holds several fundraisers during the year that you may choose to support financially.
Love our choir but not interested in singing with us? Join us as a volunteer!